So the day has finally come, I'm a Senior in High School. YESSSSS!! Right? .... NOOOO. My first week has definetly not been as I expected it to go. It hasn't been TERRIBLE, but it wasn't full of bliss like i was hoping it would be. To begin with, I had problems scheduling before school even started. I couldn't take all the classes I want to, and I had to play around with my guidance counsels through three sessions before I could finally get a schedule I liked. That being said, I had to take two courses online through virtual schooling.
The first week of school was probably the longest week I've ever endured throughout my own high school career thus far. Don't get me wrong, all my teachers are fantastic, and I have great friends, but I have senioritis all ready and it's just the first week. The first day of school I couldn't even get parking in the senior lot, and had to park in the junior lot. I guess I'm just ready for college to start. I know what college I plan to attend, I know my living conditions, I know my income, I know what car I'm going to be able to afford and buy, I know what furniture I want to get, and the only thing I don't know is what I want to major in, which I suppose is SLIGHTLY important. Plus since I'm the youngest of seven, and I'm the baby, my parents are nourishing ever possible moment they have left of my adolescent and choose to especially use their last whim of powers to make my life miserable.
With that being said, on my first weekend of being a senior I had a wreck. Now, let me back up and say, my first day of driving to school as a junior I hit a car. It wasn't a bad collision, but none the less, my liscense was taken that day and I couldn't drive to school for the next month. Now, let's go back to the present. I was on my way to my best friend's house, we were going to leave to watch a baseball game down town. It had been raining all day, but the sky had let up a little bit, so I made my way over. I was driving 5
UNDER the speed limit, but i had this insane itch in my foot that would NOT go away. I leaned over and quickly scratched it. In doing so, the car went off the side of the road. I turned the wheel to the left, and as my dad calls it, I overcorrected. The car spun to the left, and I turned the wheel to the right, but nothing happened, my dad says it was because i was already sliding against slick pavement. My front bumper hit against the guardrail, and it bounced off, where finally the wheels took a play, but not in the way i wanted it too. It flung me backwards, and I wound up in a ditch beside the guardrail.
Shockingly enough I didn't panic during the whole "accident" portion. I was calm and was trying to regain control of the wheel, and thank the Lord I had a seat belt on. It wasn't until afterwards when I realized that my little car was NOT getting out of a slick ditch that I started to get frazzled. I got out of my vehicle. The damage was actually not that bad. Some paint was gone on my front bumper, and there was a dent in the guardrail, but no dent in my car. "Good ole faithful" I've always called it. I was fine, and there was no one else in the car with me. A passing family called our state trooper, and a friend from school, ironically named Hope, and her boyfriend saw me about 15 seconds later and stayed with me throughout the whole time. I like to say, "I got in a wreck, but God sent me Hope...literally." My parents unfortunetly were an hour away and couldn't immediately come to my rescue, and because of my shopping trip yesterday I couldn't afford to have a vehicle tow me out. Thankfully, Hope's dad owned a 4 wheel drive, and pulled me out of the ditch, which let me just say, caused my stomach to churn. An hour later, the cops still hadn't showed, and my dad finally arrived. He told me to head on home and thanked Hope's family. At home, my liscense was taken away, which might I add, made me extremely angry because I wasn't speeding. Granted it'll be back in a week, but I'm a senior and already the first week of school my liscense is gone.
So that was my first week of school. Definetly, not like in the movies, although it'll be memorable. It didn't help that my boyfriend's friends told me they were proud of me and wrote songs about me "not being able to drive". grrrrr. Hopefully I'll look back on this one day and I'll laugh, but for not, I'm just irritated. It's five o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep, so I blogged instead. Anyways, ttyl.
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