For me, summer has seemed extremely short due to the fast that almost every other weekend I'm headed off somewhere. As soon as school let out, I was shipped off to Girls State, which is a camp for female leaders. If you have the opportunity to go your Junior Year, you should totally take it, it opens sooo many scholarship oportunities and it looks great for college!

Anyways, after D.C., I stay home for about two days, and then was headed up to Maryland. (This is actually the trip that I just returned from.) There's a Burmese church there (in which I'm half Burmese and half White), which has been trying to open for about ten years. My mother was on of the original founders of the church, so it was a big deal. I had a great time while I was there with; I'm not around asian people too much because they're pretty much nonexistant where I live, so when I get around them I get super excited haha. I had a blast while hanging out with my cousins, driving down the road with music blasting and watching fireworks in the back of their SUVS, definetly had a fun time. However, my poor mother did not. On the first night there, I got really sick and threw up, but we thought it was just because she was car sick. However, her illness continued throughout the second day, and we figured it was probably food poisoning. While I was out watching fire works, my mom was taken to the Emergency Room in which she was there for many hours because it got sooo bad. My poor mommy. She wanted to return home a day early, and we agreed.
So here I am, home once agin. My next trip isn't until July 20th, in which I have to go to another JROTC Leadership Camp called JLEAD, probably my least favorite of the bunch. So anyways, there's my life in a nutshell for the past couple of days. I'm going to try to get back into the swing of putting up more videos within the next two weeks before I leave. If you have any requests, leave them below, and spread the word about it!! Thanks for taking time to read this and God Bless! =)
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Could you please do a haul on where to buy school supplies because my family and I usually just go to wal-mart but that doesn't help me much for the school year so could you please do a haul on where to buy school supplies
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