So, I'm still in high school; I'm a senior this year. Senioritis hasn't quite kicked in yet, but i'm sure it will soon. Our first report card came out, and for the first time I recieved a grade on a report card that wasn't the letter grade I wanted. Needless to say, I won't say what it was, but it was extremely frustrating to say the least. It was in math, and it made me want to pull my hair out. I'm taking AP Calculus this year in hopes of getting a head start for college, plus I have a good teacer whose patient. However, math has never been one of my better subjects.
School has also been stressful activity wise. I'm also affiliated with orchestra and rotc, so i'll start in on those.
There has been some complications within our orchestra program, because my director suddenly decided that seniority is no longer a priority, and instead the leaders of each section will be those who play the best. While I agree with this, it is only to a certain extent. After all, we are in high school, seniority should count somewhat, but theoretically, the seniors should be better players anyways so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. However, somehow one of my friends wasn't placed as cello section leader, and instead a junior was placed while the rest of the seniors were section leaders and I, myself, became concert master. She was simply told, "You have to prove to me that you deserve being a section leader." Which is understadable, and I guess fair, considering the girl who won the spot was very talented. So my friend works for 9 weeks, but nothing happens. She asks him, and he says that she hasn't proved herself. Then, today after she snooped a bit, she finds out that she scored higher on her scales than the other girl. She becomes extremely frustrated and starts tearing up in class, although, no one knows why but myself. I took her out into the hallway later and talked to her a bit. One thing she said got to me. She talked about how she felt no one stuck up for her, if she was really that bad, someone should tell her, in which i assured her she wasn't. I also commented that one of our other friends stuck up for her, she turned to me and said, "(teacher's name) doesn't care about her. I mean, honestly, she's a second chair violist. It's not even her place to say anything. You're concert master, Sarah, it IS your place." Talk about making me feel like I suck at my job. So after class, I stayed behind and talked to my teacher as i felt it was my duty. Thankfully, I've gotten things switched around after about a 30 min convo with him, and she'll be getting her spot back next class =) Task as concert master = complete/sucess.
Then there's rotc. This year I'm Battalion Commander, meaning I'm the top dog who runs the show. As prestigious as this title is, it's a lot different than what i'm used to. I'm used to taking orders, following them to a T and working hand to hand with my fellow cadets. However, this year i'm an officer in which I'm doing lots of paper work and planning. Talk about a headache. Even that, I'm not even the one doing the paperwork, I have subordinates do that for me. As grand as that sounds, my actual job is to foresee everything i.e. I have to know what everyone is doing at what time, where, how and when. That's a whole lot easier said than done. I have 6 people on my staff that do COMPLETELY different jobs, and I have to keep up with alll of them, plus plans that are taking in effect up to 4 weeks from the present. Its all beeen very stressful, and especially with math kicking my butt, it all makes me want to just sleep.
On a positive note, I started reading a new series. After watching Blair's aka juicystar07's (link here: video, she talked about a series she liked called the House of Night. Ever since I was young I've loved reading, but its been a while since i've read purely out of enjoyment. Upon watching her video, I decided to indulge myself and bought the book the next day. From there I dedicated an hour to reading the first couple of chapters. You see, I'm taking AP Literature and Composition in which we ready books to analyze them. That's what i've bene doing for the past four years is simply analyzing books for symbolism, foreshadowing ect. So to actually sit down and try to enjoy a novel like i once used to was actually really difficult for me. It took about 20 mins before I could finally relax myself and stop pointing out allegories and what not. Now I've decided I will devote at leat 30-60 mins a day to reading, because I honestly forgot how much i loved it. As a child I read sooooo much, my parents would even take my books away as punishment if i did something bad lol. I'm working on the first book right now, it's called Marked. I like it. It's written a little bit elementary for my usual taste, but I guess thats the beauty of it compared to what I typically read.
Anywhoot, I think this blog post is long enough. Hope you guys liked it!
~Sarah Jane
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pageant Plan (Diet and Exercise)
So I asked on twitter if you guys would like to have a copy of the diet plan i'll be following as I prepare for the pageant, and I received a couple of yesses so here it is.
My Pageant Plan
Limits of 1200 calories a day.
Five small meal a day.
Foods to eat:
- Vegetables: 3-5 servings daily (carrots, cucumbers,broccoli, ect.)
- Dairy: 2-3 servings daily (yogurt, milk ect.)
- Meat: 3 three ounce servings a day(Turkey or chicken and one serving of fish a day is ideal)
- Any dressings should be limited to twice a day. (Ranch dressing for veggies.)
- Only one cup of Green tea in the morning.
- No white bread or white rice.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
- Running:
o A.) 5k at the beginning
o B.) Two miles at the beginning of a work out, and then two miles at the end.
- Weights:
o At least five sets of 10 of the lap sits. Weight should slowly increase.
o At least 30 minutes on weights.
- Crunches
o At least 5 sets of 20 daily, just in the gym.
o 3 sets of 10 outside of the gym.
- Ab workouts
o Supine bicycle – 3 sets of 15.
o Clev rollers – 3 sets of 10.
- Butt workout
o Lunges – 3 sets.
o Butt lifters – 3 sets of 15 at home.
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My Pageant Plan
Limits of 1200 calories a day.
Five small meal a day.
Foods to eat:
- Vegetables: 3-5 servings daily (carrots, cucumbers,broccoli, ect.)
- Dairy: 2-3 servings daily (yogurt, milk ect.)
- Meat: 3 three ounce servings a day(Turkey or chicken and one serving of fish a day is ideal)
- Any dressings should be limited to twice a day. (Ranch dressing for veggies.)
- Only one cup of Green tea in the morning.
- No white bread or white rice.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
- Running:
o A.) 5k at the beginning
o B.) Two miles at the beginning of a work out, and then two miles at the end.
- Weights:
o At least five sets of 10 of the lap sits. Weight should slowly increase.
o At least 30 minutes on weights.
- Crunches
o At least 5 sets of 20 daily, just in the gym.
o 3 sets of 10 outside of the gym.
- Ab workouts
o Supine bicycle – 3 sets of 15.
o Clev rollers – 3 sets of 10.
- Butt workout
o Lunges – 3 sets.
o Butt lifters – 3 sets of 15 at home.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Another Day

OMG, i'm soooo proud of myself, i've writing another blog within the next DAY of my last. Dang, i'm on a role, haha. Anyhoot, I don't remember if I previously mentioned it, but my pageant dress came in. It needs to be tailored, but I have a month to do that, so it'll be ok. We had a pageant meeting today, and I got all the information I needed.
School is... oh so lovely. Lots of work to do, but oh well haha
I guess i can view this blog as an online journal. The world gets to read my inner most thoughts, feelings and activities. Oh dear.
I've been wanting to buy a couple of things from glitzy-glam. A few being their waffle weave head bands, and tampon holders. I'd really like to get a waffle weave makeup bag, but dang their so expensive. 24 wopping bucks for a bag. I could get roughly two things from MAC for the price of that.
I've also been experiencing a Hello Kitty obsession as of late. I got a sweater and I've been wearing it all the time to sleep. It's soooo cute!! But I only like Hello Kitty when it's pink and white. This whole blue and red nonsense just isn't as cute.
My swelling has gone down tremendously, thank God. For about 10 hours before and after school I didn't take my meds and stuck to Advil. It was hard, but I managed. But not gonna lie, as soon as I got home, I popped one of those suckers in my mouth.
So this was a pretty random blog. Hope you enjoyed it, and if you'd like more of these just let me know!
~Sarah Jane
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Favorite Music

So, I'm pretty proud of myself, two blog posts in one day! That's a huge accomplishment for me. So since my last post was focused all about me, I'll divert the spotlight to something a little more interesting, my favorite artist of the moment. His name is Sam Tsui, a college guy who made his rise through YouTube. Sam currently has a few of his own works out to buy on iTunes, however, most of his popularity comes from his covers of popular songs.
I first came by his channel when I heard his mash up of Dynamite, Teenage Dream, and Love the Way You Lie. It was absolutely amazing, and it honestly made me smile. From there, I listened to his other recordings, and fell in love with his voice. He has been gifted with a very talented voice, and since then I've bought a couple of his songs on iTunes. If you've never heard of him or listened to his music, go check out his channel! Just type in Sam Tsui in the search bar on YouTube, and a ton of his videos will pop up.
This was definetly a very random blog, but I feel as though I've been neglecting my blogs for a while, so I just thought I'd make it up by writing two in a day. Hope you enjoyed it! =)
~Sarah Jane
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Wisdom Teeth
Its been a while since I've updated my blog, but since i've been on bed rest for the past four days, i figured this would be an ideal time to update all of you on the status of my life.
Life's been pretty hectic for me lately, lots of senior stuff I've been doing like ordering graduation supplies and senior pics. I've had tons of homework to keep me busy, but I always find time to at least upload a video once a week...until this week. On Friday, October 15th, at 8:30 am I got my wisdom teeth yanked out. Thank God I was on laughing gas and sleep medication. I had to get all four teeth out. My bottom left didn't want to come out, so my doctor had to break the tooth and dig it out. So I have stitches in my mouth as well.
Pain is usually something I can handle pretty well, however, this takes pain to a new level. Yesterday, I went 8 hours without taking my pain meds, which i thought was pretty good if you ask me (not counting advil, i did take a dose of that lol). I don't like taking my meds, because they knock me out. They numb my body, and then put me to sleep. DOn't get me wrong, I LOVE sleeping, but three days of sleeping is stretching it. I have a lot of homework to do, and sleeping all the time isn't going to get it done.
On a positive note, my friends visited me and brought me signs and two tubs of my two favorite ice creams: Turtle Tracks, and Chocolate Chip with Cookie Dough. Yummmm =) My boyfriend visited me and brought me daisies, a card, and some extra gauze since my mouth refuses to stop bleeding. My brother even gave me a miniture toy dog to keep me company =)
Soooo, as to stop complaining about this wretched condition, I'll update you on whats coming up in my life. I plan on doing one more Halloween tutorial, that's all i'll be able to really fit in since my cheeks haven't decreased in size yet. I have a pageant meeting after school tomorrow, we'll find out the theme and such at this time. On Wednesday I'll be traveling to this AMAZING resteraunt where they'll continously bring me food until i beg them to stop, hopefully with my mouth I'll be able to actually eat the food. On Thursday, I have to order my cap and gown, ahhhh!! I have a Halloween Party to go to on Saturday, but i'm considering not attending. That's my upcoming week in a wrap. I'm not gonna lie, i'll probably update this blog soon again since I'll be sitting at home all day today. Hope you guys have an awesome day and God bless =)
~Sarah Jane
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Life's been pretty hectic for me lately, lots of senior stuff I've been doing like ordering graduation supplies and senior pics. I've had tons of homework to keep me busy, but I always find time to at least upload a video once a week...until this week. On Friday, October 15th, at 8:30 am I got my wisdom teeth yanked out. Thank God I was on laughing gas and sleep medication. I had to get all four teeth out. My bottom left didn't want to come out, so my doctor had to break the tooth and dig it out. So I have stitches in my mouth as well.
Pain is usually something I can handle pretty well, however, this takes pain to a new level. Yesterday, I went 8 hours without taking my pain meds, which i thought was pretty good if you ask me (not counting advil, i did take a dose of that lol). I don't like taking my meds, because they knock me out. They numb my body, and then put me to sleep. DOn't get me wrong, I LOVE sleeping, but three days of sleeping is stretching it. I have a lot of homework to do, and sleeping all the time isn't going to get it done.
On a positive note, my friends visited me and brought me signs and two tubs of my two favorite ice creams: Turtle Tracks, and Chocolate Chip with Cookie Dough. Yummmm =) My boyfriend visited me and brought me daisies, a card, and some extra gauze since my mouth refuses to stop bleeding. My brother even gave me a miniture toy dog to keep me company =)
Soooo, as to stop complaining about this wretched condition, I'll update you on whats coming up in my life. I plan on doing one more Halloween tutorial, that's all i'll be able to really fit in since my cheeks haven't decreased in size yet. I have a pageant meeting after school tomorrow, we'll find out the theme and such at this time. On Wednesday I'll be traveling to this AMAZING resteraunt where they'll continously bring me food until i beg them to stop, hopefully with my mouth I'll be able to actually eat the food. On Thursday, I have to order my cap and gown, ahhhh!! I have a Halloween Party to go to on Saturday, but i'm considering not attending. That's my upcoming week in a wrap. I'm not gonna lie, i'll probably update this blog soon again since I'll be sitting at home all day today. Hope you guys have an awesome day and God bless =)
~Sarah Jane
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