Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pageant Plan (Diet and Exercise)

So I asked on twitter if you guys would like to have a copy of the diet plan i'll be following as I prepare for the pageant, and I received a couple of yesses so here it is.

My Pageant Plan

Limits of 1200 calories a day.
Five small meal a day.

Foods to eat:
- Vegetables: 3-5 servings daily (carrots, cucumbers,broccoli, ect.)
- Dairy: 2-3 servings daily (yogurt, milk ect.)
- Meat: 3 three ounce servings a day(Turkey or chicken and one serving of fish a day is ideal)
- Any dressings should be limited to twice a day. (Ranch dressing for veggies.)
- Only one cup of Green tea in the morning.
- No white bread or white rice.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

- Running:
o A.) 5k at the beginning
o B.) Two miles at the beginning of a work out, and then two miles at the end.
- Weights:
o At least five sets of 10 of the lap sits. Weight should slowly increase.
o At least 30 minutes on weights.
- Crunches
o At least 5 sets of 20 daily, just in the gym.
o 3 sets of 10 outside of the gym.
- Ab workouts
o Supine bicycle – 3 sets of 15.
o Clev rollers – 3 sets of 10.
- Butt workout
o Lunges – 3 sets.
o Butt lifters – 3 sets of 15 at home.

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Unknown said...

How often do you do you exercise routine? I imagine everyday?

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